dish soap lemon restaurant how to with ...
by:Two Eight
Essential oils are used for many purposes, from medicine to personal care, to household cleaning and more.Commercial cleaners usually contain toxic ingredients, which can be harmful to you if you breathe in or take in them, and when they are poured into the sewer, they can also be harmful to the environment.Make your own non-toxic household cleaners, including all-Objective by using essential oils with antibacterial and anti-corrosion properties, cleaners and window cleaners.White vinegar is another refined substance with antibacterial properties and is an ideal choice for household cleaning;Use with essential oils to avoid "vinegar flavor" at home ".Put 2 filtered water and 1 white vinegar in a spray bottle.Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil to the bottle and shake well.Lavender contains anti-corrosion and antibacterial properties, making it the best choice for home cleaning, while its fragrance leaves a calm, non-toxic fragrance in the air.Use cleaners, such as those on the bathroom and kitchen countertops, as needed, for dust removal, and clean and disinfect spills and stains on the floor and carpet.Shake the cleaning bottle before each use.Mix 2 natural liquid soap with 1 baking soda.Add 5 to 10 drops of your favorite essential oils, such as lemon essential oils.In consumer kitchens and other household cleaners, lemon aromas or lemon essential oils are often used, which contain antibacterial and anti-corrosion properties.Shake the ingredients in the bottle well before each use.Mix 1 cup of water and 1 cup of white vinegar in a spray bottle.Add 10 to 15 drops of lemon essential oil to the bottle.Shake the bottle well before each use.
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