Cichlid Species - proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant
by:Two Eight
Those of you who are interested in various types of mushroom do not need to look further.
Just scroll down and find everything you need to know. . . .
They come from the same group as damiselli, wrasses, surfers, etc.
The mushroom family is a large and diverse family with at least 1300 scientifically described species and more than 160 genus.
The color, size, shape and behavior of all of these species vary greatly.
They are spread all over the world, including Africa, Asia, North America and South America.
Due to the large number of species, there is great diversity in their behavior and habitat.
Most of them are herbivores, but many of them are omnivores.
In fact, a variety of eating habits enable them to live in a variety of habitats.
These species rarely survive in the saline habitat and are almost always found in fresh water.
In 2007, the red list of the World Conservation Union showed that about 156 species of CI fish were listed as endangered, 40 were listed as endangered, and 69 were considered as critically endangered.
) Completely extinct from their wild habitat.
Most species are small and many are called game species.
As a result, a large number of species are farmed as edible fish.
On the other hand, we cannot deny how many aquarium enthusiasts appreciate the fascinating color and behavior of the fish.
Some of the most common and popular species are the fairy fish, the Oscar fish and the discus fish.
Most of the fish we see in the United States come from rivers and lakes in Africa.
This is a list of African species classified according to their native habitat.
Lake Malawi is the ninth largest lake in the world.
It borders Malawi, Tanzania and Mozambique.
You can find more than 280 fish that have been described scientifically.
The semi-chromosome group is the largest group in the lake, with more than 120 species and 48 genus.
Lake tananyika is the longest lake in the world, between the Great Rift Congo and Tanzania.
There are more than 50 species and more than 150 species.
Lake tananyika is naturally an aggressive species.
In addition to the above mentioned bodies of water, various Cixi species have also been found in other bodies of water in Africa, such as the Nile River, Niger, Zambezi River and Zair River;
Lake Albert, Lake Victoria and Lake Walta;
Sierra Leone;
And the Okavango River Delta and rainforest in Central Africa.
S. mushroom is known for its tough behavior and charming colors.
These are larger species, so they need a larger aquarium. .
The fish were notorious for fighting.
To avoid this, you need to make sure you put them in the aquarium and each male has enough space to mark his territory.
In the water body of the United States, in addition to the phoenix tail, Rainbow Phoenix tail is also found.
There are about 225 cichlid species in South America, with an estimated 300.
More than 75% of them live in the powerful Amazon River basin.
Only two or three were found in Asia;
They live in the waters of the lagoons of India and Sri Lanka.
Due to their great diversity in behavior, size and eating habits, it is best to bring home the fish native to your area.
If not, it is important to maintain a healthy and family environment in the fish tank.
Make sure you take care of all the necessities of a healthy fish tank, such as ensuring proper hygiene, pH balance, temperature and quality of the water, proper substrate, etc.
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