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California State Fish - Golden Trout - proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant

by:Two Eight     2019-09-04
California State Fish - Golden Trout  -  proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant
Golden Trout, a California state fish native to the Keane Plateau, is typically high in altitude and long in winter.
), Found in Golden Trout Creek and the South Fox Creek.
It is also known as the California golden trout, which was previously considered an independent species, mainly because of its bright, unique color patterns.
Because of its gorgeous colors, it is also called "fish in the Sky ".
It was declared California's state fish by state jurisdictions in 1947. It is a small-
Fish with orange or red cheeks, olives
The back is green and the bottom is golden.
There are Parr marks on the side line and larger spots on the fins and tail.
Its chest fins, pelvis and anal fins are bright orange.
The size of the adult can be from 19-
20 cm in streams and 35-43 cm in lakes.
Among several trou fish, golden trout is the lowest-yielding species, which can be clearly seen from the various conditions required for spawning.
Favorable conditions for spawning include warm temperatures (at least 10 °c, preferably 16 °c)
18 °c), fine substrate and minimum water speed.
When the fish finds the right base, it will spawn above or below.
However, the hatching of eggs is disturbed by many factors, including floods in the habitat and/or drying of water.
Adult golden children are fed by insects such as maymay, Stone ef, ants, spiders, worms and beetles, and the larvae of other insects.
They also depend on the eggs of plankton, plant debris, small fish and other animals.
These fish prefer high.
The elevation watershed because they are basically very clear and cold.
The species is native to the basin of the Sierra da mountains, where food is short due to high altitude and prolonged winter conditions.
Various conservation methods have been implemented at the state and federal levels to protect this rainbow trout subsp.
In 1978, for example, 300,000 acres of land turned into Golden Trout Wilderness.
In 1991, it enlisted in the United States. S.
List of endangered species of the Fish and Wildlife Administration and list of sensitive species of the forest administration.
Despite these measures, their population has not increased.
The main reason is that it crosses with rainbow trout.
Studies have shown that this trout is very sensitive to breeding with other trout species, especially rainbow trout.
Due to poor land management plans, especially in the Inyo National Forest, the cross-breeding rate has increased.
In order to minimize the chance of hybridization, a management strategy was implemented to chemical treat the water in the southern fork River to remove other non-
Native trout varieties.
Other reasons for the reduction of golden trout populations include the destruction and/or alteration of natural habitats and competition from non-golden trout populationsnative species.
Despite state and federal regulatory activity, the number of such species has fallen to the point of extinction.
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