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Butterfly Fish Care - proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant

by:Two Eight     2019-09-03
Butterfly Fish Care  -  proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant
If you are going to put butterfly fish in the aquarium then you will want to know how to take care of them.
Here's all the information you need. family of fish.
The fish are found in coral reefs in the Indian Ocean and in warm areas of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
There are many species of butterfly fish.
For example, Banner fish and coral fish are included in the butterfly family.
The size of butterfly fish is around 7 to 9 inch.
However, the species of fish known as African butterfly fish are small;
They are about 4 inch in size.
These fish are famous for their color.
The pattern on the fish is similar to that on the wings of the butterfly.
Colorful stripes, swirls, etc.
The bodies of these fish are often seen.
As we all know, there are splashes of white, yellow, red, orange, blue and black on the balance.
However, it is important to know how to take care of the butterfly fish before people use it as a pet.
Found in coral reefs
Butterfly fish is usually a good public fish.
Sometimes, however, they may become unforgiving.
They usually don't tolerate the surface. swimming fish.
They are known to bite their fins.
At the same time, if they are raised with small fish, they may eat small fish.
It is better to put them in the company of the fish, as we all know, the fish either swim at the bottom of the tank or swim in the middle of the tank.
This will ensure the harmony of the aquarium.
It is important to make some hiding places for fish and swimming areas.
An important point to take care of the butterfly fish is to find the right fish tank for the butterfly fish.
It's better to put them in the shallow salt water aquarium.
The aquarium should be 6 to 8 inch deep.
It is best to put them in an aquarium with a length and width greater than depth.
This will make sure they have more water to swim in.
The temperature suitable for butterfly fish is between 77 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
The pH value of the water needs to be balanced at 6. 5 to 7. 0.
In addition to the surface area of a lot of swimming, it is recommended that this salted fish should have floating plants.
These fish are mainly carnivores.
So it's better to give them a protein-rich diet.
Live insects, flies, worms, small fish, mosquito larvae, small spiders, and large slices of food can be eaten for fish.
Small crickets can also feed fish.
They should be fed with algae, sponges and corals.
As we all know, the tame butterfly fish is also eaten by hand.
Feed a small amount of fish several times a day.
It is difficult to distinguish between male and female butterfly fish.
Male fish are usually thinner than female fish.
When the mother fish carries eggs, it is easier to distinguish between the male fish and the mother fish.
It can also be distinguished according to the anal opening.
The male has a convex curve on the back edge of the anal fin, while the female anal fin is straight.
It is very difficult to breed butterfly fish.
It's best to give fish a lot of choice to spawn.
Usually 80 to 200 eggs per day, about 3 to 7 eggs per time.
It takes about 36 hours for eggs to hatch.
Raising Fry is a rather difficult task because Fry can only eat the food in front of them.
One thing to keep in mind is that you have to look closely at the color of the fish.
Koi, in particular, may lose color if they are uncomfortable in the aquarium.
Water quality should be checked in this case.
If big fish bully butterfly fish, it should also be checked.
At the same time, it is important to note that the fish may become white or colorless when the light suddenly lights up.
These are some important measures that need to be remembered so that you can take care of your butterfly fish properly.
The person from whom you get them will be better able to provide any specific care advice for these fish.
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