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building better bones - the wise woman way - difference between bone china and porcelain dinnerware

by:Two Eight     2019-09-18
building better bones - the wise woman way  -  difference between bone china and porcelain dinnerware
Your bones are always changing. . .
In the past 35 years, it has been harder to make new bone cells.
While the focus of this article is on menopausal women, this information is equally useful for men.
Susun Weed uses six steps of treatment to discover new ways to think about our bones.
"Ah, yes," the grandmother smiled brightly as she grew up.
\ "You 'd better cultivate a taste of dark vegetables that mate with vinegar and garlic.
These things build powerful flexible bones to support you when you become a Crone.
Do you know that your bones are always changing?
Every day of your life, there are some bone cells that die and some new bone cells are created.
From birth to your 30 s, you can easily create a large number of bone cells.
As long as your diet provides the necessary nutrients, you can not only replace dead bone cells, but also add additional nutrients to extend and strengthen your bones.
In the past 35 years old, it has been harder to make new bone cells.
There is sometimes a gap: more bone cells die than you can replace.
In the Orthodox view, this is the beginning of osteoporosis, a disease of low bone mass.
By the age of forty, many American women had begun to lose bone mass.
By the age of 50, most people were told that they had to take hormones or drugs to prevent further loss and avoid osteoporosis, hip fracture and death.
Women who exercise regularly and eat calcium
Rich food enters menopause, better than the amount of bone in women who often sit there and eat calcium
(Including soy, milk, tofu, coffee, soda, alcohol, white flour products, processed meat, nutritious yeast and gluten ).
But no matter how good your lifestyle is, bone mass usually decreases during menopause.
For unknown reasons, the bone of menopause slows down the production of new cells and seems to ignore the presence of calcium. This \"bone-
Pause \ "is usually very short-
Lived on and off for five to seven years.
I noticed this in scattered hair shedding, broken nails and the same "growing pains" experienced during puberty.
I didn't see it in the bone scan because I didn't have a bone scan.
The idea behind the bone scan is a good idea: find women at risk of fracture, remind them of the danger, and help them take preventive strategies.
There is only one problem: the bone scan did not find women at risk of fracture, but found women with low bone density.
I want to help you put down the important idea of osteoporosis.
In the tradition of smart women, we focus on patients, not problems.
In the tradition of smart women, there is no disease, and there is no cure for the disease.
When we focus on diseases like osteoporosis, we don't see the whole woman.
The more we focus on a disease, even its prevention, the less likely we are to nourish the whole and health.
Focusing on osteoporosis, defining it as a disease, using drugs to fight it, we ignore the fact that post-menopause bone mass better reflects breast cancer risk than fracture risk. The twenty-
Of the women with the highest bone mass in menopause, 5% were two-and-a-
The likelihood of being diagnosed with breast cancer is between half and four times the lowest bone mass.
Hormone maintenance of bone mass can also adversely affect the risk of breast cancer.
Women who receive estrogen replacement therapy (usually for the prevention of osteoporosis), even if it is only five years, have a 20% increased risk of breast cancer;
If they were treated with hormone replacement, the risk would increase by 40%.
Focusing on bone mass, we ignore the fact that the strong correlation between bone density and fracture has not yet been established, and there are many others, according to Susan Brown, director of the Osteoporosis information clearing Institute
We ignore the fact that women who faithfully take estrogen or hormone substitutes will still experience bone changes and suffer from compression fractures of the spine. Bone-
Suspended Through, the bones do rebuild themselves, especially with the support of nutritious herbs, which is a special source of bones
Make minerals and prevent fractures better than supplements.
Minerals in green plants seem to be ideal for keeping bones healthy. Dr.
Campbell, professor of nutrition biochemistry at Cornell University, conducted extensive research in rural China, where the lowest known fracture rates for middle-aged and elderly women were found.
He said, "the closer people get to a diet based on plant food and leafy vegetables, the lower the incidence of many diseases, including osteoporosis.
"Women who consume a lot of calcium --
Rich plants and moderate exercise can make bones strong and flexible.
Women who rely on hormones form large but stiff bones.
Hormone replacement does not increase the production of bone cells;
They slow down (or inhibit) the killer of bone cells.
There is a rebound effect;
Bone loss jumps when the hormone stops.
Women who take hormones for five or more years are four times more likely to have a fracture within one year after stopping than women of the same age who have never taken hormones.
Women who build better bones and exercise together with green allies nourish the cells of the bone cells creator (the bone cells ).
Hormone or estrogen replacement, taken at the beginning of menopause and continued use for the rest of your life, is said to reduce post-menopause
Menopause fracture rate 40-60 percent.
Frequent walks (you don't even need to sweat) and high calcium diet
Rich Green allies (at least 1500 mg per day) have been shown to be reduced after
Menopause fracture 50%.
The first one is expensive and dangerous.
Second, good quality and low price.
It's easy to understand why more than 80% of American women "say no" to hormones ".
It will never be too late to build better bones, and it will never be too early.
Your best fracture insurance. free, strong-
The bone is to build a better bone before menopause.
The more exercise and calcium
You'll get rich green allies when you're young, and you don't have to worry about it as you get older.
"A woman has lost half of the sponge bone (spine, wrist) she would have lost before she was 50, but there are very few dense sponge bone (hip, hand, forearm) bones.
It is essential to pay attention to bone formation at every stage of life;
When you're older, you don't have time to create new bones that are healthy. \" -
U. S. MD calcium "is not common in countries with least calcium consumption.
This is an indisputable fact. \" -T. C. Campbell, PhD.
Nutritional Biochemistry Step 1: There is no doubt that collecting information calcium is the most important mineral in your body.
In fact, calcium accounts for more than half of your body's total mineral content.
Calcium is essential for the normal beating of the heart, metabolism, the function of the muscles, the flow of pulses along the nerves, the regulation of the cell membrane, the strength of your bones, the health of your teeth and gums, and your important blood.
Coagulation mechanism.
Calcium is so important to your life that you have a gland (thyroid) that has little effect other than monitoring the blood level of calcium and the secretion of hormones to ensure the best level of calcium ).
When you consume more calcium than you use, you are in a positive calcium balance: the extra available calcium is stored in the bones and you increase the amount of bone or keep it in the soft tissue, or deposited in the joint ).
When you consume less calcium than you use, you are in a negative calcium balance: thyroid hormone produces a hormone that releases calcium storage from your bones and you lose bone mass.
To ensure a positive calcium balance and create strong, flexible bones for your menopause trip, please note: eat three or more calcium
Rich food every day.
Avoid the use of calcium inhibitors.
Use collaborative foods to amplify the effectiveness of calcium.
Avoid calcium supplements.
Step 2: use the energy of homeopathic tissue salt silica gel to improve bone health.
What does supporting yourself mean to you?
Get support?
Stand by yourself?
Is there a backbone in your life?
Step 3: What do we need to nourish and replenish to make strong and flexible bones?
Like all tissues, bones need protein.
They need minerals (not just calcium, but also potassium, manganese, magnesium, silicon, iron, zinc, selenium, boron, phosphorus, sulfur, chromium and dozens of others ).
To use these minerals, high
Premium fat including oil
Soluble vitamin D
Many of the menopause women I met thought protein was bad for their bones. Not so.
Researchers at Utah State University studied the diet of 32,000 post-menopausal women and found that women with minimal protein intake were most likely to have fractures;
Eating extra protein accelerates the healing of hip fractures.
The acid produced by protein digestion is buffered by calcium.
Traditional diet combined with calciumand protein-rich foods (e. g.
Seaweed with tofu, tacos made of limestone and beans, melted cheese on the burger ).
Herbs such as seaweed, stinging hemp, oats, red clover, dandelion and purple grass leaves are rich in protein and also provide a large amount of calcium.
Foods such as Tahini, sardines, canned salmon, yogurt, cheese, oatmeal and goat milk provide us with the healthy fat we need for protein, a lot of calcium and bones.
If you desire more protein during menopause, follow this desire.
Note: unfermented soybeansg.
Tofu) is particularly harmful to bone health as a protein
Calcium is rich and naturally deficient. There is also a calcium boot agent that can be started.
Bones need not only calcium, but also a lot of minerals. calcium is both brittle and flexible.
Think about chalk, calcium carbonate, and how easy it is to break.
Avoid calcium supplements.
Focusing on getting a lot of calcium from herbs and foods, you will automatically get the multiple minerals you need for flexible bones.
Because the minerals are large and not compact, we have to consume a lot of minerals to change our health. Taking mineral-
The rich herbs in the form of capsules or tincture are not very helpful to your bones.
(A cup of tle hemp tinct contains the same amount of calcium-300 mg -
As a cup of net hemp infusion
Many women drink two or more cups of infusion a day;
No one drinks a tinct dose a day!
) Do not eat raw food.
I often think that cooking takes nutrition away.
There is nothing more distant than the truth.
Cooking can maximize the minerals of the bones.
Boiled kale for an hour provides more calcium than steamed kale.
Minerals are rocks.
We need heat, time and a lot of plant material to extract them.
The green source of calcium is the best.
The minerals of nourishing herbs and garden weeds are much richer than ordinary vegetables, which are already a special source of nutrition.
But calcium from green sources alone is not enough.
We also need calcium from white sources.
If you want really healthy bones, add a quart of yogurt to your diet every week.
Because milk is altered by lactic acid bacteria, its calcium, other minerals, protein and sugar (lactose-free) are more easily digested.
This also promotes the absorption of calcium and minerals from other foods.
(I know several vegetarians who have increased their very low bone density by 6% in a year by eating yogurt.
Organic raw milk cheese is another wonderful source of white.
Ponytail herbs (muthians) are like a charm for premenopausal women who have lost or have difficulty in fracture healing.
Young Spring, drink tea once or twice a day
The aggregated ponytail can significantly enhance the bones and promote the rapid repair of fractures.
Note: The Mature ponytail contains substances that may stimulate the kidneys.
Step 4: Be careful with calcium inhibitors to stimulate/calm.
Some foods interfere with the use of calcium.
Avoid consistent use for better bones :-
Vegetables including beet, spinach and rhubarb are rich in grass. -
Unfermented bean products including tofu, soybean beverage and soybean burger. -Phosphorus-
Rich food including carbonated drinks, white flour products and many processed foods.
(Teenagers who drink soda instead of milk are four times more likely to break their bones than the former. ) -
Food that produces acid that requires calcium buffer when discharged in urine, including coffee, white sugar, tobacco, alcohol, nutritious yeast, salt. -
Fluoride in water or toothpaste. -
Fiber pills taken separately, in bulk-
Produce laxatives. -
Steroids, including testosterone, such as prednisone and asthma inhalation.
(Daily use reduces the amount of spine bone by 10% per year. ) -
Limit calorie diet
Women with the least weight lost the most bone in menopause, and "neither calcium nor vitamin D nor estrogen supplement" slowed bone loss.
Of the 236 premenopausal women, all of these women consumed a similar amount of calcium, and those who lost weight by reducing calories had twice as much bone mass as those who maintained their weight.
Although chocolate contains acetate, its content is so low that the effect on calcium metabolism is insignificant.
1 ounce/3000 mg chocolate
20 mg of calcium;
One ounce of cooked spinach, 100-125 mg calcium.
Bittersweet (black) chocolate is the source of iron.
Recent studies have found that chocolate is very beneficial to the heart.
As with any doping, daily use is not recommended.
Chocolate is an important and beneficial ally for women.
Feel guilty about eating it and think it hurts your health, which interferes with your ability to listen and respond to your body's wisdom.
If you want chocolatedo it;
Get the best.
But if you do that every dayeat more weeds.
Excessive phosphorus can accelerate bone loss and de-mining.
As a food additive, phosphorus compounds are second only to salt.
They exist in carbonated drinks and soda;
White flour products, especially "rich" products (bagels, biscuits, cakes, donuts, pasta, bread );
Bacon (bacon, ham, sausage, lunch meat and hot dog );
Breakfast cereal in supermarket; canned fruit;
Processed potato products such as frozen French fries and instant mashed potatoes;
Processed cheese;
Fast food soup and pudding.
To avoid phosphorus overload and improve calcium absorption :-
Drink water and infusion of herbs;
Avoid soda and carbonated water. -
Only whole wheat bread, noodles, biscuits and biscuits. -
Only meat, cheese and potatoes that are not marinated. -
Avoid buying food with ingredients;
They are highly processed.
Excessive salt can lead to calcium loss.
Women who eat 3900 mg of sodium per day have 30% more calcium than women who eat 1600 mg of sodium.
The main source of dietary sodium is processed food and canned food.
Seaweed is an excellent calcium.
A rich source of salt.
Sea salt contains a small amount of calcium and can be used freely.
Salt is essential to health;
Don't eliminate it from your diet.
Increase the production of hydrochloric acid (in your stomach) and you will be better able to take advantage of the calcium you consume.
Lower gastric acid (such as antacid), the calcium you consume is not good for the bones.
Some methods of acidification :-
Drink lemon juice in the water after dinner. -Take 10-
Before you eat, drop the dandelion root tincture agent in a little water. -Use calcium-
Rich herbal vinegar in your salad sauce;
You can also put some on cooked vegetables and beans.
Step 5a: using supplements I really hope you don't use calcium supplements.
They will put you in danger and will not prevent fractures.
A study in Australia, which followed 10,000 white women over the age of 65 for six and a half years, found that "the use of calcium supplements was associated with increased risk of hip and spinal fractures;
The use of Tums acid-resistant tablets was associated with increased risk of near-shoulder fractures.
\ "If you insist on taking supplements, go for calcium.
Fortified orange juice or calcium citrate tablets.
Calcium glucose, calcium lactic acid and calcium carbonate are acceptable sources.
It usually contains lead and other bad minerals, so it is better to avoid the consumption of white clouds, bone powder and oyster shells.
For better bones, add 500 mg of magnesium (not citrate) to calcium ).
Better yet, wash your calcium tablets with a cup of herbal infusion;
This can provide not only magnesium, but also a lot of other bones.
Mineral resources have also been strengthened.
Calcium supplements are more effective at different doses.
Take two doses of 250 mg in the morning and evening, and actually provide more calcium available than 1000 mg tablets.
Step 5b: according to researchers at Columbia University, if you receive hormone therapy (ERT or hormone replacement therapy), you must get enough calcium to maintain bone mass. That\'s 1200-
1500 mg per day (one cup of plain yogurt, two cups of net hemp infusion, a small amount of minerals)
Add vinegar for three figs.
When you increase your calcium intake
Rich food/herbs, gradually reduce the hormone dose if you want.
Step 6: rest and bowel density tests are often used to prompt women to take hormones or drugs.
If your bone density is low, use the remedy in this section before agreeing to this therapy and schedule another test (at least six months later ).
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