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breakfast is for wimps - why i stay hungry | warrior forum ... - restaurant dishes that are easy to eat

by:Two Eight     2019-09-29
breakfast is for wimps - why i stay hungry | warrior forum ...  -  restaurant dishes that are easy to eat
I never eat breakfast.
Yes, although all health magazine articles warn that there is a correlation between a diet that does not eat breakfast and laziness/poor health, I did not refuse to take calories into the body until the afternoon.
Why am I doing this?
My senses are sharp when I wake up: my eyes absorb more light, and when I burn my hands my coffee burns hotter and in a hurry
My memories are fast, and as my dreams are still chasing in my memory, my mind is starting to get active.
Every old thought turned over and over in the soil of my mind and sprouted overnight.
The new idea, like the sugar on the dormant taste, is falling in my mind and lighting a new fire.
Every second feels vital, precious, and alive.
I'm hungry and hungry.
I will not trade this feeling for a bowl of grain or banana.
I won't break a box of Cocoa Puffs and oversaturate my senses.
Eggs can wait. -
I have their plans in the future.
"But won't your hunger distract you?
\ "It's not just distracting me. -
This is the only thing I think.
I am eager to learn something new, to build a new empire, to create and love the world around me.
I long for something outside of myself, beyond my ability ---
Less than a few feet from the refrigerator.
Many of us do not know the real hunger, so we are lucky.
However, in such a fortunate situation, it is easy for us to be complacent and think that all our desires will simply fall on our legs.
We should all learn to know what hard work means, even if it's just a little bit, what hunger means.
In the soil of hope on an empty stomach, we can cultivate our desires.
When we do this, we can know the true inner strength and freedom.
Thank you, but no thank you for breakfast.
Eat your bagels-
I will stay hungry.
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