bone china dinnerware estate sale how to identify old buttons | ehow
by:Two Eight
In real estate sales and garage sales, thousands of people can find old buttons in old cans, cigar boxes and Christmas cookie cans.Sort these huge numbers of buttons, and then recognize that they can be daunting because of the large number.But the way to determine the button is yes.If you're going to analyze a lot of old buttons, a comprehensive guide to the price of button antiques is a great guide.Pour the button into a well-lit flat working surface.Separate and group buttons according to material, design, size and color.Use a magnifying glass to check the details and look for the manufacturer's mark.Take out the price guide and start comparing your buttons to the ones in the book.Look for corner and bone buttons.These are some of the oldest materials used for buttons.Their bones are soft and natural in color, usually molded.Please refer to your guide for pictures of them.Compare all your metal buttons.Many of them are military buttons designed differently.Keep an eye out for metal buttons with numbers on them, such as police officers or firefighters.The metal 1860 s civil war button is also very collectible.The surface of some metal buttons is enamel or cloisonne, so it is very popular.Separate all glass buttons.Be careful here as you may mistake old porcelain, porcelain or ceramic buttons for glass buttons.There will be small colored decals or paintings on some Chinese buttons, which can be traced back to 1840.Look for rubber buttons made by BF Goodrich during World War II.These will improve the relief design of the logo of different military departments, such as the anchor design of the Navy.Many veterans collect these buttons.Look for large rubber wood buttons made of plastic in the 1940 s and 1930 s.They have soft, flat pastel colors that are usually quite large.The rubber button is notable for its simple relief design.They are very precious, especially the buttons featuring the theme of the Art Deco era featuring half moon, triangle and diagonal lines.Protect the buttons in the series made of shells because they are fragile.They are easy to identify as they will have a rainbow-colored Ruguang gloss.They became popular from the Victorian 1890 s to the 1920 s.Find wood buttons.These are also easy to find, but there will be a variety of products, many of which are still in production today.Look for wood buttons that cause bronze due to aging of handling or original varnish.Look for buttons made of tagua nuts from South American corroso palms.They are dyed in shades of brown and green with soft colorsbrown-Colorful, raised design.These were re-manufactured from 1890 to 1920, but in the 1990 s
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