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Baklava History - what are the tastiest dishes at mexican restaurants

by:Two Eight     2019-08-30
Baklava History  -  what are the tastiest dishes at mexican restaurants
The history of the month can be traced back to the sixth century BC.
When the Assyrians first baked on woodburning ovens.
From there, when the recipe is passed to the neighboring country, it finds the uniqueness of the land it passes through.
Baklava is a pastry rich in nuts and honey.
It was once elevated to the status of food that became rich and noble.
Now, this is a cup of freshly ground coffee, which is a great treat.
It originated in the 8 th century and is located somewhere in the Middle East and Mediterranean.
Like most old things, the history of the dish is also full of controversy about who was the first to bake it.
Although many countries claim its findings, it is this flavor that attracts foreigners to bring the recipe home.
As it crosses the plains, hills, and seas, and on its journey across different lands, it itself carries the spices and culinary features of various cultures.
The history of Baklava is as interesting as the history of the Silk Road, which is known to reach Armenia through the Silk Road and move on.
It is generally believed that the Assyrians made this delicious pastry for the first time in the 8 th century BC. C.
They baked several layers of dough in the middle with chopped nuts.
It is prepared in an oven that burns wood, and in order to make it sweet, a thick honey syrup is added.
Sailors and businessmen from Greece often visit miso.
They soon discovered the fun of this delicious dessert, so it came to Athens from its birthplace.
The Greek contribution to the dish is enormous.
They designed a technique by which the dough can be rolled into a thin layer of paper rather than a rough loaf of bread
Like the texture of Syrian bread
These sheets of paper are called "Philo" or "Philo", which means the leaves in Greek.
To 3rd century B.
C This is delicious for rich families in Greece.
Recipes reach Armenia through spices and the Silk Road.
They added cinnamon and cloves to it.
As the recipe revealed to the Arabs, they contributed to the use of rose water and cardamom.
This recipe travels west from its origin to the kitchen of the rich Romans and then becomes part of Byzantine cuisine, where it has been popular until the end of the Empire in 1453. D.
At the same time, it also cast magic on the Persian rulers.
In the 15 th century, the Ottoman Empire conquered the entire Armenian kingdom, almost all the Assyrian land and some western provinces of the Persian kingdom.
The kitchen of the Ottoman ruler employs chefs and artisans from all the newly conquered lands, and in almost all the new imperial states this dessert is baked, albeit slightly different.
The chefs communicated with each other and perfected the art of making several variations of the dish.
The reason for its royal status in the Turkish Kingdom is that it is believed that its ingredients, mainly honey and pistachio, have a strong effect.
According to the gender of the consumer, spices such as male cardamom, female cinnamon, and cloves of both sexes are added, as specific spices are considered to enhance sex-specific.
Under the reign of the Ottoman Empire, the art of making bakalava has almost been perfected.
As the Empire opened to Western culture in the 18 th century, chefs from the West made some changes and supplements to the way this dessert was presented.
It was brought to the United States by immigrants from Greece and the Middle East.
Today, it is common in restaurants in all these countries.
The sweetness of this dessert often makes people curious about its heat.
However, the pastry is very nutritious.
Nuts for preparation are good for the heart.
They are rich in fibers and minerals such as magnesium, copper, vitamin E and folic acid.
Walnuts and almonds are good for blood cholesterol levels.
Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and can reduce the risk of heart disease.
This dessert is the result of the increasing cooking features, as it spreads from one culture to another.
As a result, it is full of flavors of spices and nuts from the Middle East and the Mediterranean region, and because of the heavy use of honey, it scores high on taste.
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