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A Study Faults Mexican Restaurants - low fat mexican restaurant dishes

by:Two Eight     2020-01-16
A Study Faults Mexican Restaurants  -  low fat mexican restaurant dishes
Marian burrosjuly 1994 this is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before its online publication began in 1996.
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Eating a Chilean rienos platter is like eating a butter and is a staple in most Mexican restaurants.
After it exposed the content of fat and salt in food and movie theater popcorn in Chinese and Italian restaurants, Washington public interest Science CenterBased on nutrition
Today, a press conference was held to criticize the nutritional value of Mexican food.
The representative of the National Restaurant Association is just outside the conference room, ready to argue that Mexican food can be healthy.
But in the face of visual proof of high fat content in Mexican food, these arguments are not easy to make.
The center arranges a series of fat-filled test tubes in front of a typical Mexican platter, such as a taco salad, sour cream and avocado salad (71 grams of fat)
Rellenos, Chile (96 grams)
Beef specials (86 grams)
Beef Cheese Corn Flakes (89 grams).
According to the nutritional analysis done by the center's laboratory, Mexican side dishes are at least as bad as the main course.
Advertise a typical sour cream cheese tortillas with pico de gallo and guacamole containing 900 calories, 59 grams of fat and 1,628 mg of sodium.
Just eat both sides of rice and beans, plus sour cream and avocado sauce to serve both
Recommended 30 of daily fat and sodium intake, 65 grams of fat and 2,400 mg of sodium for 2,000-
Eat calories daily.
To get these figures, the center purchased 15 popular appetizers and entrees at 19 medium-priced Mexican restaurants in San Francisco, Chicago, Dallas and Washington, El torrito and Chevrolet, as well as smaller independent agencies.
The nutrients of each dish are analyzed.
The results showed an average of each item for all restaurants in the survey.
The method of the study was criticized by Jeff Prince, senior director of the National Restaurant Association.
"The result was distorted by operators who didn't care what he put in the food because it was all mixed up," Mr. Prince said.
"I have no confidence in these numbers. "But Dr.
Michael Jacobson, executive director of the center, said the findings are very consistent with the nutritional information provided by Taco Bell.
Neither Taco Bell nor any other fast food.
Mexican food restaurants were included in the survey.
"Mexican restaurants are relatively uniform when adjusting the size of the service," Dr. Jacobson said.
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Jacobson agreed that it would not hurt much to have a Mexican dinner a month.
But there are a dozen grams of fat here, and there are a dozen grams of fat there.
"It's not just one thing," he said . "
"Not just hamburgers.
Not just whole milk.
"The villain of the restaurant. The center's previous research on food in Chinese and Italian restaurants has attracted a lot of attention, has also aroused criticism from some restaurants and has had some impact on the food sold
Some Chinese restaurants responded by pushing low.
There are many options on the menu.
Since the center's study of popcorn, most movie chains have changed their cooking methods to reduce fat content.
By the spring of 20,271, there were 1993 Mexican restaurants in the United States.
According to the restaurant consulting group, accounting for 4% of the total number of restaurants
Sick in Evanston.
This is almost double the number of Italian restaurants.
Through some efforts, it is possible to find reasonably healthy food in some traditional Mexican restaurants, but picnics are usually slim: chicken fajitas with salsa, but no sour cream, cold dishes, grilled chicken or fish in some restaurants.
Low comment-
Feimei's lunch ad proves that healthy Mexican food tastes good, and Macheezmo Mouse, a chain of 13 restaurants in the northwest, offers a lowfat, low-Low heat-
The people at the press conference had a sodium lunch.
I met you at lunch from "O. K.
Yes, but this is not Mexican food. "And" not bad ".
"Like high-fat, high-
Salt foods are changed to make them healthier, and the chefs fail to add enough seasoning to make up for the lack of fat and salt ---
This may help explain why Americans are more obese than ever before (
More than 20% higher than their ideal weight)
According to the National Center for Health Statistics.
They want a lot of food that tastes good.
A version of the article appeared on page A00016 of the national edition of July 19, 1994, titled: a study questioned Mexican restaurants.
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