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3/100: The fast food company with the worst health score - most popular side dishes in restaurants

by:Two Eight     2019-08-23
3/100: The fast food company with the worst health score  -  most popular side dishes in restaurants
Most popular fast food in Australia
Food restaurants need to be more transparent about nutrition policies and should work to reduce salt, sugar and saturated fat, according to a new report, the report ranks retailers based on their public stance on addressing obesity.
The report released today by the Global Obesity Center at Deakin University used public information to investigate 11 of the largest fast food restaurants, which cover about the market, then rank them according to their policies related to healthy eating.
It found that most restaurants did not identify nutrition and health as a focus area, a department --
The quick service restaurant failed to disclose what they did to address obesity and nutrition issues.
According to six factors, these restaurants received 100 points, including disclosure of marketing policies, menus and online nutrition information for children, plans to reduce "worrying nutrients" such as sugar and saturated fat and commit to health in the company's strategy.
Subway topped the list with 48/100 results, and the researchers suggested phasing out complimentary soft drinks supplements, which would be better done.
Domino's pizza is only 3/100, divided into zero in each category, except for the transparency of nutrition labels and corporate relationships.
The scores of McDonald's, KFC, Nando, Hungry Jack, Pizza Hut, chicken dinner, Red Rooster, Porto and grill range from 10 to 42 points.
Both Subway and Nando provided further information to the researchers, while others refused.
Gary Sachs, the lead author and associate professor of the report, said that Australians spent about their food budget on takeout and out-of-Town Dining, meaning that the fast food industry has a big impact on our diet.
"Unhealthy eating has caused a public health crisis in Australia," said Dr. Sacks . ".
Dr. Sacks said emphasis needs to be placed on making healthy choices easy and cheap, rather than offering deals for sugar-rich products.
"We see that most of the items that are heavily promoted are unhealthy, such as a $1 frozen coke," Dr. Sacks said . ".
This report is the third in a series of reports that have previously ranked supermarkets and food manufacturers, and the report finds that all restaurants provide comprehensive nutritional information online, however, all need to improve their disclosure and transparency about healthy eating policies.
"There is a real opportunity for fast food companies to help solve the problem by introducing policies to make healthier choices, such as water, fruit or salad, automatic options for children's meals.
Further research by the university will review "the performance of the company", including whether they have complied with the nutritional commitments they have made.
In our fast service restaurant, it is recommended that the restaurant give priority to obesity prevention, set measurable goals to reduce saturated fat and sugar, and promise to make healthier choices the default, and implement pricing strategies to deliver healthier products to "less healthy" equivalents at similar or lower prices.
It concluded that while some fast food restaurants have taken positive steps to address obesity and unhealthy eating problems, "the industry can play a bigger role ", governments should monitor closely.
Some retailers are not happy with the study, and burger chain Grill says it is considering legal action after a 10/100-POINT study of "flawed, misleading and deceptive.
Simon Crowe, founder of the restaurant, said he was "angry" and his company has been focusing on nutrition since 2004 and "mixed up with a bunch of fast food restaurants ".
"What I am concerned about is that the researchers working on this do not seem to have thoroughly checked Grill's website, which clearly states our position on the issue of the investigation," Mr Crowe said . ".
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