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Flowerhorn Fish - proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant

by:Two Eight     2019-09-02
Flowerhorn Fish  -  proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant
From the sewers of Singapore to the homes of the best fish lovers, so far, the variety of flower horn fish has gone through an interesting journey.
This is the trough of a fish that has gained a reputation for five seconds due to the presence of its sacred attributes!
It's easy to understand the frenzy it triggered in Singapore a few years ago.
This gorgeous creature with a prominent forehead and vibrant hues has made fish fanatics around the world pay crazy money to own it. And why not?
In order to bring good luck and prosperity to the owners, the hornfish caused a sensation in the aquatic world.
For your pleasure, we have prepared some facts about the Cape fish.
It all started with Malaysians and their interest in these bulky things. or warships.
The hornfish found a place in the hearts of the Taiwanese who thought it was a sign of prosperity.
Soon a Feng Shui connection was established.
Xiang back hunchback, or prominent forehead like the forehead of the god of longevity in China.
The body parts of some fish match with other sacred creatures, raising its importance.
The black mark on the side sometimes looks like a Chinese letter.
Its colorful look makes it an attractive and mouth-watering fish.
At first, the fish were aggressive, and for a period of time being tamed, they formed a deep connection with the owner, especially when the owner fed them with his hand.
It is well known that its red eyes drive away the evil soul.
), Cichlid, a hybrid blood parrot from Central America, and Taiwan.
The fish were raised together in Malaysia and gave us the Cape fish.
They arrived in the United States in their 90 s.
They grow to 12 inch and will accompany you for 10 to 12 years.
Given their size, they must be kept in water with a pH of 7, 20 to 30 gallons per gallon. 4 to 8.
0, temperature 80-85°F.
Their food includes meat and live blood worms, me worms, small fish, earthworms, minced meat and shrimp.
Their vegetarian diet is spinach, peas and lettuce.
Would you like to have an aquatic pet that is not much different from humans?
Well, as a product of human efforts, the hornfish has successfully achieved some human qualities.
First of all, it is an aggressive fish, very territorial.
It is not recommended to keep more than one in the tank, but if you insist, separate them with a solid glass partition to give them time to begin to tolerate each other.
This also applies to two fish of the opposite sex (Mars and Venus, does anyone? ).
The aggression reaches a new height because if the edge of the tank accessory is too rough, the Flower Horn will hurt itself as well.
It sometimes likes to launch itself, leaning its head against the glass wall first, which explains the existence of several disfigured single fish in captivity.
Be very careful when feeding it because it sometimes likes to bite the hand that feeds it.
In addition to other human qualities, they also have a greedy appetite for food and reproduction.
The dispute cannot prevent a fish called "hybrid offspring.
There has been a lot of noise about how fish varieties can be modified to increase their attractiveness.
As the eco-scientists continued their protests, the breeding community made a lot of money as the popularity of the Pomfret soared.
It was during this period that the breeder worked overtime to support the rapidly growing demand, resulting in a decline in "quality. The so-called good-
People who look like fish are rewarded, and those who are unattractive and disfigured are dragged down by the owner.
With no idea what to do with the leftovers, the leftovers are dumped at random in the sewers of Singapore and Malaysia.
These little horrors erupted with their wild breeding and destroyed the local flora and fauna.
Many local aquatic species are extinct, and flower horns will be eaten or killed no matter how they are.
All disputes in the world have failed to convince the Cape fish fanatics to raise other pets.
When the ethical aspects of breeding organisms in the laboratory are raised, there is a silent talk about how humans are doing worse elsewhere.
Whether you choose to love this fish or hate it, there are several people in the world who have gained great joy, friendship, not to mention prosperity from this fish.
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