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Display the bone China defect 3

by:Two Eight     2020-03-21
( 3) Ceramic billet sludge processing printing, cement bread stale more than 15 days, the moisture content - 26 28%, the coarse vacuum, vacuum degree is more than 9. 064× 104Pa( 680毫米汞柱) Article, coarse pug stale more than 30 days to refine, 9 vacuum degree requirements. 598× 104Pa( 720毫米汞柱) After manual kneading Fang Keyin billet. After scouring of mud, according to the need to cut into different weight of mud, mature kneading by hand, Commonly known as mud) Article, and then rub pressure into various shapes of mud, pay attention to when cutting clods, one-time cutting solution, try to keep mud section of the original structure of directional arrangement, horizontal Angle - 80 10° , longitudinal section should be the basic level. Type of mud cake and bone porcelain body bottom board flap are available, and the shape of the filter cake face slightly larger than bone porcelain model, mud cake with good suppression trowel smooth billiton flat, clear grain line mark, put the bone porcelain printing bone porcelain body in plaster models. When printing, fingerprints or hand print from top to bottom, from center to edge of extrusion, by deep concave part to shallow along the real part and a convex seal, pressure appropriately meet the line length required edges and corners, uniform thickness basic no sandwich. Specific do: stamping tightly, not to spend, The palm pressure uneven) , virtual printing ( Fingers, palm pressure did not fold surface) And floating seal ( Not print) ; 50 - fingerprint imprint frequency 80 / cent, each moving distance, is about to surface arc length of 0. 5 - 0. 7. Hand print must use force, unfavorable flap in order to avoid air into the interlayer crack. To increase the bone porcelain body bending and tensile strength, make the bone porcelain billet weight transfer in the lining print down to build corresponding number of mud, bunds for reinforcement (namely Commonly known as & other; The lining & throughout; ) , according to the shape of body height and width of the need to identify the general shape of vertical, slightly oblique, transverse, arch, and somehow the fork net-like, special bone China body can be designed into alien mud line, prevent deformation. With mold joint, the clear more than mold side mud, keep the mold side and bone porcelain blank joint surface is bright and clean, in order to ensure the near a mold consistent to do mud edge thickness of bone porcelain body, width of 5 - 20 mm mud edge shape products in about 10 mm. Filling slurry should be composed of bone porcelain blank dilution, at about 35%, moisture content control surface at the same time filling pulp, pulp thickness of 0. 5 - 15 after all fill in, 3 - according to the pulp 10 minutes, with full filling slurry fully wetting after bone porcelain body, can take mold joint the bone China model pressure step by step. Joint mud and intermediary mud sticking closely, joint aperture is less than 0. After 5 for large bone porcelain body joint, the bone porcelain blank wall because of the pressure in the body stretch of mud and mediation mud from top to bottom, make bone China model of natural water body, in this process should be gently flip model several times, prevent bone porcelain body collapse deformation zone bone China die after drying, for bone porcelain body from 0. 5 - 2 mm, body moisture content to 18 22%, demoulding brick-discharging advisable, bone China mold release, hands gently around the model, the bone porcelain body for all from the mold, there is no local sticky mode, each part from the die clearance to cause, it is strictly prohibited to forced demoulding, prevent bone porcelain body deformation. Open die, die, the side with the bone porcelain ware remain equal distance, prevent bone porcelain model face of clash or hexagrams module of billet, 1) Bone China body bonding, pay attention to the moisture content of the accessories, control within 20%, make each blank with the proper strength is not easy to deformation. Full filling adhesive paste thickness even, to master the accurate glued in place by a pipe after closely joint can't overexert, gradually increase the pressure to prevent body for local deformation and cracking due to pressure. ( 2) Demoulding body, began to natural drying, placed in ventilated rack or sunlight, make water discharge slowly, after 8 - 15 days, oversize bone porcelain ware, the natural dry more than January when body moisture content down to 10 - 12%, can be forced dry hot air drying, ensure dry indoor environment of high temperature and low humidity, temperature control by air drying speed. — Bone China hotel gift to be continued. 。 。 。 。 。
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